

Ticket price: 3200 Ft

Start of the event: 2017. 11. 13. (Monday) 19.00

The musical comedy Lovers of Ancona has been one of the most often and most differently performed comedies of the Hungarian stages for twenty years, since its debut. It combines the best traditions of the Italian farce with typical Hungarian humour and the most popular Italian hits of the seventies.

The author places the story on the tiny hidden square of a small Italian town on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, where our protagonist, Don Tomao lives the life of an elderly amoroso with his beloved ones – his present and ex-lover and his slightly tongue-tied daughter. The ad hoc tourist group of the audience arrives here to get to know Giovanni, the pastry cook making the worst coffee of the neighbourhood, Agnese, the owner of the pension, Lucia, the stuttering girl and Viktória, who arrives here at the same time as we do as our compatriot, who travelled so far to find her lost love and the father of her future child. It would be far enough for complications but new and new characters arrive according to schedule, a broken-hearted alcoholic, a minstrel who cannot stand the audience and a young girl dressed as a monk. And if you think the plotline is not confusing enough, Don Tomao takes care that we have a lot to laugh at before the inevitable happy ending.

The play Lovers of Ancona is two hours of mere entertainment, some accomplice winks, a pinch of erotica and a lot of humour topped with nostalgia, so in other words it is the best cultural cocktail to get recreated after a tiring day.

Tomao Nicomaco – József Bozsó
Lucia (his daughter) – Kriszta Miklós
Dorina (Tomao’s housekeeper) –Nelly Fésűs
Luigi del Soro (minstrel) – Mátyás Dósa
Viktória (Hungarian girl) – Évi Sári
Drusilla (girl from Rome) – Erika Steinkohl
Lukrezio (university student) – Gábor Balogh
Giovanni (pastry cook) – Tamás Pál
Agnese (owner of the pension) – Enikő Zorgel
Tourist guide – László Janik

Production design: Anna Varsányi

Musical director: László Nyitrai
Choreography: Gábor Bakó

Director: Annamária Szilágyi

We reserve the right to make changes.

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