

Ticket price: 2900 Ft
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Royal Waiting Village of Gödöllő

Start of the event: 2018. 05. 31. (Thursday) 19.00

Baroque folk weave in two parts,

a performance by the Iván Fischer Flat Theatre / Filc /

Director: Tamás Seres

A girl in the middle of the 1980s decides to give up her life. Our life. Let’s hope.  ‘Me, Lili Csokonai came to this world with this language to this lousy world to the moorland of Csepel on 17th September 1965 as a Roman Catholic, stayed an unbeliever till the end of my life.’  Vision and reality. It is a dreary and profane calvary of an orphan girl with a sacral language for the man of today. His stepfather starts to abuse her; she becomes a cleaner, she dreams of sex, nice clothes and cosmetics, loses her virginity, starts a liaison with a married man and later gets into different adventures allowing herself the temptation of body and spirit.  

Lili Csokonai writes down her thoughts and questions in the language of the 17th century, in seventeen chapters, with seventeen swans at the age of seventeen, falling in love:

Does a world exist where we can ignore all the rules that are forced on us? If we do not respect church, politics and law, can we live for the miracle of Love and Desire, where our one and only sanctuary is the worship of God inside us…

The script of the performance is based on the novel by Péter Esterházy and is edited by Lilla Falussy, Árpád Sopsits and Tünde Majsai-Nyilas


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