

Ticket price: 2900 Ft és 3400 Ft

Start of the event: 2017. 11. 23. (Thursday) 19.00

János Arany’s spiritual heritage is alive regardless of anniversaries: his poetry and figure has been a standard, inspiring example and or controversial grandeur for all his contemporaries and successors. His characteristic calm voice was cited during his life and has been cited since his death from generations to generations by several poets in respecting, touching, witty and funny pieces of arts. He was the ‘beloved Jankó’ for Petőfi, ‘Deceased master’ for Babits, not to be followed but inevitable ancestor for Ady, Radnóti and István Vas regarded him as their grandfathers. Many address him, others like for example Sándor Weöres imitate his poetry in grandiose poem cycles. Many among the present day poets like Szabolcs Várady, Ádám Nádasdy, András Ferenc Kovács and Dániel Varró playfully evoke his spirit in serious exercises in style: they re-write his poems, mimic, parody or mock him not to allow him to become a statue.

The texts are read by:

Kriszta Bíró, Imre Csuja, Béla Dóra,Attila Epres, István Ficza, Anikó Für, László Gálffi, Gabriella Hámori, Zsombor Jéger, Tünde Kókai, Zsolt Máthé, Zsolt Nagy, Máté Novkov, Márton Patkós, Judit Pogány, Csaba Polgár, Nóra Diána Takács, Réka Tenki, Milán Vajda, István Znamenák, Emőke Zsigmond

Music: Árpád Kákonyi
The host of the evening: Pál Mácsai
Edited and selected by: Győző Ferencz and Pál Mácsai

Director: Pál Mácsai
Director’s assistant: Julcsi Szabó

The performance is supported by the Ministry of Human Resources and the National Széchényi Library

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