Ticket office general information

Buying tickets is possible through the ticket networks INTERTICKET, TICKETPORTAL, TICKET EXPRESS, TICKETPRO and JEGYMESTER. Theatre performances, concerts, festivals, sports and cultural events. Online ticket order, 800 ticket offices, several thousands of events in Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.

The House of Arts Gödöllő is the member of a continuously growing network.

You can also pay by bank card, SZÉP Card and with KULTÚRA vouchers in our ticket office.
(Sodexo, Edenred, Erzsébet voucher)


Ticket office: info@muza.hu Tel.: +36 (28) 514-130, +36 (70) 452-7268
Organisation: szervezes@muza.hu Tel.: +36 (70) 977-2368

Opening hours: Mo-Fri 10.00-18.00, Sat 9.00-13.00, Sun closed,
on days of performance from 1 hour before the start till the start of the performance


Lunchtime: 12.30-13.00

House of Arts Gödöllő Non-profit Public Company
2100 Gödöllő, Szabadság út 6.
Tel.: +36 (28) 514-130, +36 (70) 452-72-68
E-mail: info@muza.hu
Web: www.muza.hu


By buying a ticket to a performance you accept to keep the policy of the institute and the safety regulations. Thus we are drawing your attention to the following:

  • People who arrive late at the performance cannot be let in, if the production has more acts, they can take their seats in the break. The price of tickets can only be refunded if the performance is cancelled, the commission is not refunded.
  • Sound and video recording during the performances is forbidden. It is not allowed to bring food and drink into the theatre hall.
  • Please place your coats in the cloakroom because coats cannot be taken to the auditorium due to fire safety regulations. 100 Ft/person/coat has been charged in the cloakroom since 1st January 2015. The cloakroom is free of charge under the age of 14.
  • In case of children performances tickets must be purchased above the age of 2.

Thank you for your understanding.

House of Arts Gödöllő